Parent Handbook
Extended Day Program
Children’s Path LLC. doing business as Playtime Pros will provide extended day services to Kidinnu Academy. Please read and save a copy of our parent handbook.
Playtime Pros extended day service provides youth with a safe, loving and fun environment. We ensure a high-quality enrichment program that offers children a creative, educational and active environment. We want children to build a strong self-esteem and help them find joy in learning and collaborating in various activities such as…
Psychosocial education
Group games and recreational activities
Nature and gardening
Homework assistance
To provide a high-quality rich learning environment that fosters each individual child's skills and interests.
Strengthen social emotional skills.
Children develop a love, joy and excitement in their education one where they have a high self-esteem and sense of responsibility over.
To provide a home like atmosphere that you and your child feel welcomed, loved and a part of.
Work closely with school and teachers to create a cohesive environment.
Program Overview:
Playtime Pros provides a high quality before and after school program for children grades TK-6th. Our group leaders provide creative, fun and challenging projects for the children while encouraging their independence and own interests. Our team provides extracurricular activities, homework assistance, peer bonding with a fun and loving atmosphere.
Tours will be given by the Site Supervisor prior to enrollment. Parent’s/ Guardians and children will be interviewed at this time to determine the best placement/ classroom for the child and if any medical accommodations are required. Please inform the director if any special accommodations may be required. Children’s Path/ Playtime Pros may decline enrollment if child’s needs are beyond the scope of teacher’s knowledge and training.
Child guidance and discipline
We work with children to develop the strategies and confidence to solve problems on their own. We feel that it is highly important to teach children how to recognize problems and work towards a solution. We support children and guide them through problem solving with peers so that each child feels heard and validated.
We understand that everyone has a bad day once and a while. We use several approaches in positive reinforcement and a redirection method for challenging behaviors. A calm cool down space may be used if a child needs space to relax and reflect.
Parents should let the staff, or the supervisor know of any home changes that could affect a child's behavior. We can recommend services and be better prepared to handle a child's challenging behaviors if they should occur.
Children with challenging behaviors will be given parent teacher conferences to discuss a child's behavior and an action plan. If the behaviors pose a threat to them self, other children and/or staff disenrollment of the child may be necessary. Three written notices will be given to the parents/guardians before disenrolling.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Children’s Path/ Playtime Pros does not discriminate based on ancestry, color, creed, disability, marital status, medical condition, national origin, age, race, religion, or sex. We do not provide any religious instruction or worship at this center. Following the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Children’s Path/Playtime Pros does not and will not discriminate against adults or children with physical or mental disabilities. Reasonable accommodations impose an undue hardship or financial burden on the business operation.
Parent communication
Announcements will be made through our app "Brightwheel" and may be posted at the parent table. Announcements are also posted in the monthly newsletter to be sent home through email, hard copy or through our app Brightwheel.
Daily communication is very important to us and we are here to help and support you and your child the best we can. Staying connected to your child’s group leader and having open communication is the key to your child’s success.
With signed consent, children may be photographed by staff to show case the activities and events happening in the extended day program. This is a great way for you to see a visual of what your child is participating in.
Hours of operation
Monday- Friday
Before school care: 6:00am-8:00am (Literacy First Charter Schools)
After school care: School dismissal - 6:00PM (Kidinnu Academy)
Full time (Intersession Periods) 8:00am-5:00pm (Dates TBD)
Scheduled holidays
We follow Cajon Valley's school calendar from August to June and will be closed during the same periods as your child's school. We may be open during school closed periods based on the need of the community. Dates and time TBD.
Program will be closed on all major holidays and follow the School Schedule.
September: Labor day
November: Veterans day, Week of Fall Break (Unless intersession program is available).
December: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, Winter break (Unless intersession program is available).
January: Winter Break, New Years Day, Martin Luther King
February: Lincoln day and Washington Day (Presidents 4 day weekend).
April- Spring Break (Unless intersession program is available).
May: Memorial Day
Summer break (unless separate Summer program) June – August, Dates to be determined.
*Intersession program may be available during long break periods. Parents will be notified prior to the school’s vacation period in regard to registration for intersession full day programs. *
1 snack will be provided to children a day. Once in the afternoon during the PM program. Breakfast will be served to students enrolled in the morning program. We are not peanut free and do provide peanut butter occasionally. Children with allergies will be accommodated with alternative snack options.
Arrival and Departure
The sign-in and out sheet or QR code/tablet in the designated room MUST be signed with your full first and last name. No one under 18 is permitted to pick up children. Any medicine needed is to be given to the supervisor and a medicine slip filled out and signed. If the child is to be picked up by someone not already on the authorized list, please add them to your list or provide a note for temporary authorization. Emergency cards filled out by parents should have names listed of others who can pick up their child. ID's will be checked at pick up to ensure name is listed on emergency card.
Children must report to assigned room immediately after school. The supervisor of the afternoon care must be notified if a child will be absent from the afternoon program.
Late Pick-up Policy
Late pickup (after program scheduled closure time) will be charged $2.00 per minute and be given a written notice. After 3 written notices you may be dropped from the program.
If you are unavoidable detained, please call someone on your list to pick up children. If we do not hear from you, the following steps will be taken:
We will call your numbers on file.
We will call the additional emergency contact numbers on file to arrange pick-up.
As a last resort, the Director will call local police department.
Payment and tuition
Non-refundable registration fee $35/ child.
Payments due first business day of each week.
Late payments will result in a $25.00 fee.
If payment is not received by the second school day of the week the child will not be a loud to attend the program until payment and late fees have been paid.
No refund will be given for absences or sick leave.
Return/declined payments will result in a $25.00 processing fee.
A 30-day notice must be submitted for drop of program without being charged. Failure to give a 30 day notice you will still be charged for the week.
No makeup days provided for sick or personal holidays/vacations.
Drop in rate is $20/hour. Same day registration will result in fee starting at $20/hour plus $35.00 registration fee.
Those who qualify for free lunch at Kidinnu and pre-register will also qualify for free child-care. *Registration is required along with income form to school. *
Staff qualifications
Our educators have experience working with children and are chosen for their love and passion for working with children, families and the community. Our caregivers are fully vetted with background checks.
Parent involvement
We value your feedback and desire to create a program that you and your child feel valued and a part of. Playtime Pros extended day program welcomes parents to visit at any time. We encourage you to observe your child without them noticing you to get a true picture of them in action. Your active participation can add a meaningful dimension to our program, but we ask that you schedule a volunteer time in advance so that our teachers can plan for your participation. We would love you to share your cultural or family traditions through cooking, games, stories or songs.
Sick policy
Please call or email to let us know if your child will be staying home from the program.
If your child has or had the following symptoms within 24 hours: 1) a temperature, 2) diarrhea, 3) vomiting, 4) rash, 5) nasal discharging, 6) discharging eyes or ears your child must stay home.
If your child contracts a contagious disease such as 1) Strep throat, 2) Chicken Pox, 3) Flu, 4) Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), 5) Impetigo, 6) Lice, 7) Pin worms or 8) Ring worm you MUST call the school and bring a note from the doctor that states that your child can return to school. Please note that any child who contracts lice must be sent home and have a treatment and all nits and eggs combed out of their hair. The child must come to the Director the next day and be checked to ensure all nits and eggs are gone before their reentry into the program.
Our staff will administer prescription medications only. All medicine must be in its’ original labeled container. A permission to administer form from the parent must accompany the medication. Medicine and permission slip must be handed to the Director for safe keeping. Since medication can often affect behavior of a child, please let us know ASAP if you have given any medicines to your child including all over the counter products. Your child is special to us. We care about his/her physical and emotional needs and want to make his/her day in the program and at school is a happy and comfortable one.
Sunscreen is considered a medication and must be given to a staff member for safe keeping with your child’s name on it and a medication release form filled out allowing teachers to apply the cream before going outside.
Child abuse and neglect
Our group leaders are mandated by the state to report any type of child abuse. That being neglect, sexual, physical and/or emotional. Parents in such situation do not need to know who reported the incident to ensure safety of staff.
Injury/accident policy
While great care is taken to ensure the safety of all children at Children’s Path/ Playtime Pro’s, sometimes an accident does occur. All minor cuts, bruises, bumps, etc. will be treated with simple first aid- soap and water, ice packs, band-aids and lots of TLC. You will find an “Ouch” report on your child’s sign out page and a teacher will explain to you what happened. Anything requiring more treatment than ice, a band-aid & a hug will receive the attention it deserves and an immediate notification to you or the people on your emergency contact list. To keep this list up to date, you will be asked to update this form every 6 months. It is in your child’s best interest to up-date this information immediately. This allows us to respond to emergencies quickly and safely.
Children’s Path/ Playtime Pros Staff may occasionally seek outside professional advice regarding the growth and development of children enrolled. Children will not be interviewed, observed and/or tested by outside professionals without your knowledge or consent.
Emergency Procedures
In case of a natural disaster or other major emergency, our facility and staff are prepared to care for our children. During the disaster, all children will remain at school, under the supervision of their group leader, until a parent or guardian personally arrives to care for his/her own child. There will be a current CPR/First aid certified staff member present at all times.
To ensure calm and orderly behavior in case of an emergency, we will conduct regular fire drills and other emergency drills. Once a month at random times the children will be asked to line up and go to the place designated by their afterschool teachers. By hearing the alarm signal after an explanation of what it means and practicing what to do when they hear that particular sound, the children become less fearful and calmer in the rare actual emergency.
911 will be called in any cases for emergency assistance. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for any fees incurred for emergency transportation and medical bills.
Field trip policy
We currently do not take field trips. However, we will have several outside vendors come to present and hold fun and engaging workshops for the children. Notice will be given prior to any outside extracurricular activities that may occur. In the event a field trip becomes an option parents will be notified and required to fill out a field trip consent form.
Please arrange with the site supervisor if you wish to share your child’s birthday celebration with classmates. Please provide nutritious snacks, mini-muffins or a cookie rather than cake or cupcakes. We encourage low sugar snacks such as a fruit popsicle or yogurt. We encourage small servings as any special treat needs to be served in addition to scheduled snacks in accord with USDA regulations.
Children’s clothes
Remember to send your child in play clothes and in closed toed shoes.
Make sure all jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts have your child’s name written inside as well. It is a great idea to keep a sweater or jacket in your child’s backpack at all times as it can get breezy in the late afternoon.
Child Health History
Children with severe disabilities without an individual aide/nurse may not be accepted into the program as we may not be properly equipped to provide the required care for a child with severe disabilities. Children’s Path/ Playtime Pros is determined to meet all children’s needs and will do our best to accommodate all children. Supplemental services are not provided at this time.
Medical Operational Plan (IMS)
It is the goal of Playtime Pros to be as inclusive as possible, including care for children with various ongoing medical conditions. The following plan is an outline for conditions we currently accommodate:
We can accommodate children with severe allergies, asthma, seizure disorders, sleep/breathing disorders and diabetes.
A personal plan of care procedures is required by a doctor or parent for any of the above conditions. This will be kept with the child’s file on site.
EpiPens, inhalers, nebulizers, breathing monitors, and diabetes-related equipment in each class room in locked medical cabinet with child’s name on equipment.
Parents/Guardians are authorized to sign a written consent to administer treatments. Parents must also give an overview of how to administer the child’s medicine to the Director and each staff in child’s classroom.
The site supervisor is trained in CPR and First-Aide which includes EPIPen, inhaler and nebulizer training.
We ensure that proper safety precautions are met, including wearing gloves, proper hand cleaning and safe disposal of all contaminated material.
Medication equipment will be taken with staff during emergency or drill’s that require evacuation.
Routine treatment will be logged on Parent Consent Form (LIC 9221).
911 will be called in any cases that require emergency medical treatment to the staff’s best judgement to ensure the safety of the child. Parents/guardians are responsible for any medical bills.
Child’s primary health provider and dental must be provided on the registration form.
Children’s Path/ Playtime Pros reserves the right to decline or terminate enrollment of a child if we believe the condition/treatment needs are beyond the scope of the staff’s training. Enrollment may be suspended or terminated if parent’s do not provide proper documentation and medical equipment.
Thank you and we look forward to having your child in one of our programs!